• March 10, 2025


The highest happiness on earth is marriage.

Finally you have found the person who will tame your eccentricities, curb your idiosyncrasies and make you a more civilized person. Happy engagement.

This is the first step of love before entering into the married life. May you have lifetime happiness and fun! Happy Engagement.

It has been a great pleasure to see your happy faces. Have a blessed and happy life. Wishing you a very happy engagement.

Who cares about your engagement? I can’t wait to go shopping for your wedding gown with you as your bridesmaid. Congratulations.

There are two ways to get jailed for life. One is to commit a bad crime and the second is to get hitched. Congratulations for choosing the latter.

May God bless you both on the day of your engagement! Congratulations!

Thank goodness you finally decided to get engaged after so many years of dating each other. We were beginning to get worried about you both. Congratulations.

Congratulations on your engagement! We hope you’ll be happy together.

I used to tell you ‘look and leap’. Now that you didn’t listen, get ready for a lifetime with the fatso you have chosen. Have a happy engagement.

Have a beautiful engagement sister in law. Through this lovely card, I welcome you with open arms into our family and extend my love on your engagement and always.

Remember that forever the two of you are one. Congratulations on your engagement!

I wish you a lovely engagement beloved sister. May God shower all the love and happiness on you and your fiancé on your engagement day, always and forever.

May you have the love and care from God. Congratulations on your engagement.

To the Βest couple I know Ι’m wishing you all the Βest And love each Οther to the fullest Ηappy Anniversary!

Sticking tο each other fοr 25 years; Lοving endlessly Αnd cherish each οther. Yοu are great Ρarents. We lοve you! Ηappy Silver Jubilee οf wedding..

Lοve is what Μakes two peοple sit in the Μiddle of Α bench when there Ιs plenty οf room at Βoth ends.

My days are happier because of you. Knowing I have you to love gives my life greater meaning. Happy Anniversary day my love!

You have been the most remarkable wife on earth, more fabulous and stronger than superwoman. And on this special day, I want you to feel and see how a blessed husband I am. I love you sweetheart. Happy anniversary!

“Each moment of a happy lover’s hour is worth an age of dull and common life”

There is no feeling more comforting and consoling than knowing you are right next to the one you love

Bliss to fill your souls; Peace to fill your spirits; Joys to fill the home; And love to fill your hearts. I wish all these things for both of you on the auspicious day of starting your married life!

We decided to wish you life so full of problems that you can strive against, a lot of difficulties to overcome and satisfaction for years to come.

Inside myself is a place where I Live All alone…..

I feel sorry for the person who write terms and contitions no body read that…

Failure is simply and opprotunity to begin again, this time more intelligently..

The way to get started is quit talking and start doing….

Relationship never dies a natural death… They are murdered by ego, Attitude and ignorance….

Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive…

Rakhi is a perfect time to tell you just how special you are and how much you mean to me! Wish you all the peace, prosperity and success on this Raksha Bandhan.

Never say Good bye!!

Dear my valentine you are the key to my heart!!!

i can’t live without you….

Don’t ask me why i love you, because i will have to explain to why i live….

If people are trying to bring you ‘Down’, It only means that you are ‘Above them’.

The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.

Without you, we would have been lost. Thank you teacher for guiding us, inspiring us And making us what we are today.

The Best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman, who wasn’t my wife………She was my mother!!!!

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what youwant is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down…

Tell me who admires you and loves you, and I will tell you who you are.

Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.

Lvoe is real , real is love…….

Some people come into our lives and qickly go, SOme stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same…

IF YOU (LIKE), (LOVE), OR (MISS) SOMEONE RIGHT NOW: – and can’t get them out of your head. – then add this to ur favorites within One Minute and Whoever you are missing will surprise you. – :)

WHAT EACH KISS MEANS” – Kiss on the Forehead: We’re cute together . – Kiss on the Cheek: We’re friends. – Kiss on the Hand: I adore you. – Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now. – Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect. – Kiss on the Lips: I LOVE YOU…

“In a British University, a final exam question on Business was: “Define what risk is”. The shortest answer ever at one word was : “This.” The student handed the essay in and got 100%.”

Behind a successful student, there is a good teacher. But behind a failed student….. A beautiful teacher !!!

Which r d most powerful 3 words other than I LOVE U ? . . . . . . . . RESULT AA GAYA. :-(

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.

if it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an exuse…