• March 9, 2025


An honest enemy is always better than a friend who lies… pay less attention to what people say and more attention to what they do.. Their actions will show you the truth!!

Understanding is much depper that knowledge there are many people who know us, but very few who understand us…

A single moment of misunderstanding can be so poisonous that it can make us forget the many lovable moments we spent together…

Rich is not about how much you save, Its about how much you give..

Never be a prisoner of your past, become the architect of your future.. :)

“The truth is like salt. Men want to taste a little, but too much makes everyone sick.”

Sadness is when your best friend gets another best friend…

you need to associate with people that inspire you, people that challenge you to rise higher, people that make you better….

Peace and contenment come from knowing that what is meant for you will never miss you and what misses you was never meant for you…

Cute relationship is….. When someone is angry with you and says “i will never talk to you…” And later comes back to you to just ifrom you.. i am still angry….

If you have failed in love or don’t have that special “someone” Don’t worry its nothing but your future partner’s prayer to keep you single…

Once you feel you are avoided by someone Never disturb them again…

Be like the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it..

Never underestimate the painof a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others…

This is a moon which learns from you, That is a sun which respects you, There are stars which shine for you, And here… It’s me who live for you. forget me not please…!!

Don’t take my kindness as a sign of weakness…

The only way to get better is to surround yourself with people who believe in you..

Dreams are like stars…you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.!!

Santa: My wife died yesterday..Im trying to cry but tears are not coming, what to do? Banta: Imagine she is Back… Foot foot kar roya bechara.

Having a Boyfriend or Girlfriend is not love. But having someone in your life on whom you have blind Faith that even If you hurt them to extreme, They will hold your hand and say, “I was, I am, I will always be yours.

When i close my eyes i see you.. When i open my eyes i miss you..

No one is coming to save you. This life of your is 100% your responsibility…

i always think of you before i fall asleep. The words you said.. The things we laughed about, the silent moments We shared..

It’s hard to say hello because it might be goodbye. It’s hard to say I’m okay because sometimes I’m not. But it’s easy to say I miss you because I know that I really do.!!

Boyfriend message to his Girfriend: Baby Sorry too Disturb you. can you send Me your Photo? It’s Urgent Serious matter “we r playing cardS & I have Lost my Queen” !!!!

Cute lines by a girl who fell in love: “He stole my heart & I’m planning to take a revenge… I’m going to steal his last name…!!!

I just want to have a place in your heart like you have a place in mine…

First dates are awkward; First kisses are heavenly; First love is irreplaceable; And first heartbreaks are unforgettable. Dear sweetheart, always please remain my first and the last love!

Some day if i die. Donot think dat i forgot you. just have a look towords sky, my tears will be a rain drop on your cheeks too say, hey i m still with you.

I love you not because of what you have but because of what i feels… i care for you. not because you need care but because i want to.. I’m always here for you, not because i wan’t you to be with me but because i want to be with you…!

Only the boys have the super power of getting up at 09:25 a.m and readching the class at 09:30 a.m

Every new day is a chance to change your life…Good Morning!!

Dear GOd, Thank you for being there when no one else was…

Say something kind and honest to someone today. The world can always use a little more light…

The prettiest girls have an “A” in their name. :)

You can try to change it, hide it, deny it, lie about it … but in the end the truth is still the truth.

Once a true heart is broken its broken for ever.

Find someone who wants to love you so much, the one who plans and imagines their future with you.

Tough times don’t last, tough people do.

There is no reason to be sad and to worry about anything if we will only put our trust to our mighty God. Solution to our problems are just one prayer away.

Stop thinking about a million other things that will pass and resolve themselves and enjoy the moment… because you will never have the same moment again.

Always pray to have eyes that see the best, a heart that forgives the wrost, a mind that forgets the bad, & a sul that never loses faith…

Wise people are not always silent, but they know when to be.

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, just imagine that it’s going to launch you into somehing great:)

Life is too short to stress yourself. Sometimes you need to stop worrying, planning and just relax release and let go.

Don’t waste your words on people who deserve you silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all..

To be rich is not what you have in yoru back account but hwat you have in your heart…

The most memorable people in your life will be the ones who loved you when you weren’t very lovable..

Some people can be mean and treat you poorly. Don’t take it personally. It says nothing about you but a lot about them..

When you are truly comfortable in your own skin, not everyone will like you, but you won’t care about it on bit!