• March 15, 2025


The best feeling is when you look at him & he is already staring at you.

No matter how long you know someone, they eventually show their true colors.

If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

I’m visiting my high school. Every half year I do the exams, and then this year I’m going to graduate.

After the first exams, I switched to the Faculty of Philosophy and studied Zoology in Munich and Vienna.

No surprises, my heart can’t take it.

Careful with your gift choice. Our friendship is on the line.

Without my driver’s license, you’ll just have to believe the age I tell you.

Didn’t I already celebrate this birthday, like 2 birthdays ago?

I may not look my age but I sure as hell feel it.

Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller with every mistake you make.

Harush says if you want to be together you have TO-GET-HER.

If my house is clean, it means that Facebook is broken..

Rya is playing loud music to keep from hearing her own thoughts.

Well, here I am. What were your other two wishes?

Lary is wondering if they could invent a self cleaning oven, why can’t they invent a self cleaning house?

“SANTA” rearranged is “SATAN”…I’m on to you fat man.

My darling, you bring joy to my life. Happy Valentines Day!

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.

Never fear shadows, that always means there is a light shining somewhere.

Everybody’s a self-made man, but only the successful ones are ever willing to admit it

Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you’re finished.

Its not how well you can weather the storm, its how well you can dance in the rain.

You gave me a reason for my being, and I love what I’m feeling. You gave me a meaning to my life.

Success is the proper utilization of failure.

My life isn’t perfect but it does have perfect moments.

Never look back unless youre planning to go that way.

If vegetarians eat only vegetables, what about humanitarians?

Count your age with friends but not with years.

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.

Facebook is the adult way of having imaginary friends.

Don’t you hate it when people just randomly tag you in their Facebook post!?

I’m a smart person, I just do stupid things.

Adults are just kids with money.

A friend is someone who’s there when he needs you.

Your beauty is so rare, nobody can find it.

Life is a lesson you’ll learn it when you’re through.

Men are like roses, watch out for all of the pricks.

Alter your attitude and you can alter your life.

Always laugh when you can. It is cheaper than medicine.

Time to end a shitty day and start again tomorrow.

I fell for you, but you didn’t catch me.

Forgive Quickly. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

Good friends will bail you out of jail. Best friends will be sitting in the cell with you, laughing about how awesome that just was.

I never make the same mistake twice. Three, four times maybe. But never twice.

Thinks I feel great when I go to bed drunk. I wake up feeling crap. Obviously sleep is bad for you.

I’m sending you a smile not because you made my day but because I’m hoping it will make yours a little bit better.

Not many people can drive me as CRAZY as my kids, But NOBODY can make me as happy as my kids

If I was told to go to bed. I’d be like. OK! Why can’t kids be the same way?