• March 15, 2025


Loving Someone Doesn’t Need A Reason .. If You Can Explain Why You Love Someone It’s Called ( Like ) .. If YOu Can’t Explain It’s Simply Called ( Love )

C.L.A.S.S – Come Late And Start Sleeping

If you want to change your life, change your mind.

Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day.

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

Everyone says you only fall in love once, but thats not true, because every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.

It doesn’t matter what position you’re in. But it matters what direction you are moving.

Ability is what you’re capable of doing, motivation determines what you do, and attitude determines how well you do it.

Success is not permanent. Same is also true for failure.

I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.

Life is 10% what you make it, and 90% how you take it.

You are never given a wish without being given the power to make it come TRUE.

Argument wins the situation but loses the person. So never argue with your loved ones; Because the situation is not important than Your Loved Ones.

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.

Women worry about the things that men forget. Men worry about the things that women remember.

Santa is always jolly, he knows where the naughty girls live.

Dear boys, I can make your girlfriend scream louder then you ever will. Sincerely, Spider.

We spend the first twelve months of our children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up.

Success lies not in the result but in the effort. “BEING” the Best is not at all important,”DOING” the Best is all that matters.

Never Blame any Day in Your Life. Good Days Give you Happines. Bad days Give you Experience. Both are Essencial in Life.

Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently.

When you are successful your well wishers know who you are BUT when you are unsuccessful you know who your well wishers are.

If a drop of water falls in lake there is no identity.But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shine like a pearl. Choose the best place where you would shine.

Wish you happy holidays season with unforgetable Christmas and New Year.

Christmas is the season when you buy this year’s gifts with next year’s money.

When a husband brings his wife flowers for no reason, there’s a reason.

No man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is NOT saying.

Missing you is a very small word, the extent of which is felt when the winds strike my door and i feel you passing by.

Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between … you occupy my mind. So, practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts. I miss you.

Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits.

All good things come to those who wait. BUT Time and tide wait for no man.

There Are Millions Of People In This world, But In The end It All Comes Down To One

The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.

Never fall in love with your best friend because there is no being friends when it doesn’t work out.

Waiting for someone you love is never easy. Especially when the one you’re waiting for isn’t aware that you’re waiting…

Love is gambling, not with money but with your heart. You can always get money back, but you might not get your heart back.

What do you do when the only one who can make you stop crying is the one who is making you cry?

You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean and the beat in my heart… I Love You!

We can’t be friends ‘Cause I’m still in love with you.

Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats.

The whole world is great! That is…until you wake up.

Give thanks to the LORD in all things. Thank You LORD for giving me life and giving me a chance to live with purpose.

We have so many needs in our life, but at the end of the day, all we need is to be needed.

Always stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.

A man typed in search box on Google : “What do women want?”. Google Replied : “We are also searching…”

When your enemies are making mistakes, don’t interrupt them.

It’s hard to wait around for something you know may never happen; but it’s harder when you know it’s everything you want.’

I’m a girl Im allowed to change my mind every second.