• March 15, 2025


Closing all the internet windows by the time your boss gets to your desk is like getting the keys into the door before the killer gets you.

Only a life lived for others is a life worth while.

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

Dont let your ears WITNESS what your eyes didn’t see & don’t let your mouth speak what your heart doesn’t feel.

Nothing is more romantic than letting you know that I love you… via this facebook status.

My girlfriend asked if I would swim across the ocean for her, and I said It’s freaking, I’ll rent a boat…..

Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious one that rewards all your future endeavors with success. Happy New Year.

I’ve fallen in love many times… always with you.

If you don’t have a valentine, hang out with your girlfriends, don’t go looking for someone. When it’s right, they will come to you.

You are the only one person I want to be with for the rest of my life and grow old with. I love you my sweet heart.

Love is only blind for those who are not looking in the desired direction.

I removed L from LOVER…….& Now its all OVER !!

Love and forgiveness cannot be separated. To truly love, you must forgive. To truly forgive, you must love. Forgive and move forward to a life of true love.

Relationships do not need promises, terms, and conditions. It just needs two wonderful people one who can trust and one who can understand.

If couples who are in love are called LOVE BIRDS, then couples who always argue should be called ANGRY BIRDS

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

Most mothers feed their babies with little spoons and forks. What do Chinese mothers use? Toothpicks?

To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To love and be loved is everything.

The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.

Forget the risk and take the fall, if its what you want, then it’s worth it all.

An open mind leaves a chance for someone to drop a worthwhile thought in it.

I have a Date tonight, Woot Woot! (of course its with the couch, pillow and TV Remote, but its still a date. Right?)

So you wanna date me? Please submit the following: Copy of drivers licence & SS card, current pay stub, clean drug test & std screen. Otherwise don’t bother.

Sometimes all you need are open arms to hug & hold you, a shoulder to cry on and someone there to tell you its all gonna be alright.

Seeing a spider is nothing. It becomes a problem when it disappears.

I Love You, I Love You from the bottom of my heart. When i close my eyes, i see only you. When i open my eyes, I want to see you. You are in my heart and I Really Love You.

Be confident. You will never get anywhere if you don’t believe in yourself.

Forgiveness is the Sweetest Revenge.

It’s Christmas and 2015 is coming closer to an end! what’s the funniest thing you remember me doing this year??

Birthdays are natures way of telling us to eat more cake.

Your life is a gift from the Creator. Your gift back to the Creator is what you do with your life.

Anniversary means another way of togetherness and love for the memory books.

Love begins in a moment, grows over time, and lasts for eternity.

Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

You can never change the past nor control the future, but u can change the mood of the day by touching someones heart with your smile.

Never cry for the person who hurts you, Just smile & say THANKS for giving me a chance to find someone better than you.

Love is when you fall asleep in his arms and wake up in his dreams.

If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other, they will find a way.

Because angels are sometimes busy elsewhere, God created sisters like you.

A sister is for telling secrets and making promises that will never be broken.

Sister and Friend two words that mean the same.

My sister is the sweetest little thing alive! Words can hardly describe my love for her, she is my best friend.

I love the fact that my best friend just so happens to be my only biological sibling, my sister.

Sorry, I can’t hangout. My uncle’s cousin’s sister in law’s best friend’s insurance agent’s roommate’s pet goldfish died. Maybe next time..

Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.

To my friends and family, near and far, I love you all and hope you have a Merry Christmas..

Dear Santa, I didn’t want to make it too hard for you this year, So the only thing on my wish list is 1 year paid leave from work with bonus.