• March 19, 2025


If you want to kill someone, kill them with your kindness!

You never know what the future holds for you, and yes that’s called destiny ;)

Even temporary happiness is much better than permanent misery.

I am single but not available.

Its impossible to please everyone so I suggest we all stop trying.

Money is replaceable, time is not.

I thought I wanted a career, but it turns out I just wanted paychecks.

I hate how Monday is so far away from Friday and Friday is so close to Monday.

Trust me, everybody is kind so long as you dont disturb to them.

If you dont go after what you want, you will never have it.

Stop comparing yourself to others. You are you; nobody else could be you.

All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fatting.

If things are sent by ship then its a cargo and if its sent by road then its a shipment.

No matter what one has in life, everyday is not going to be a day in paradise.

Boys will be boys as long as there are no girls in the picture.

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be. If it does not, hunt it down & kill it.

There is only two kinds of people in this world: Doctors & Patients.

Time, Friends, Health and Relations, Don’t come with a price tag but when we lost them then we realize the cost.

Never make the same mistake twice. There are so many new ones to make.

Never let life discourage you; Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare.

Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor.

You grow up the day you have your first real laugh …………. at yourself.

There is something wrong with my phone. Any GIRL call it for me to see if it rings?

I’m not actually this tall. I am sitting on my wallet.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

You should never waste tears today for yesterdays sorrows.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Good, Better, Best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.

Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is like hugging a cactus. The tighter you hold on, the more its going to hurt.

Past can’t hurt you unless you let it.

I am fine = I wish you know how I feel inside.

Think with your head not with your heart.

Sometimes you need to run away to see who will follow you.

Sometimes you need to run away to see who will follow you.

I finally got my past, present and future correct today. I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever.

In women everything is heart, even the head.

The stars must be jealous. You shine way better than them.

You are my love, my passion, my pride. I always want you by my side.

Always laugh when you can. It is cheaper than medicine.

Life is like a video game you have to pass all the levels to win at the end.

God give us only one heart. We have to find the other one.

Success is like being pregnant. Everybody congratulates you, But nobody knows how many times you were ****** before you got there.

I am not what I should be, I am not what I could be. I am not who I want to be but I am sure not who I USED TO BE.

You can ignore me for as long as you want, but you can never change the memories that I brought in your life.

Dear MATH, stop asking to find your X, she’s not coming back.

Yesterday I caught myself smiling for no reason. Then I realized I was thinking of you.

If you are not the one, then why doses my heart tells me that you are?