• March 19, 2025


Now a days people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Housework is what a woman does that nobody notices unless she hasn’t done it.

Don’t let time sneak up on you. Enjoy every moment that you can.

Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.

I hate it when you have to be nice to someone you really want to throw a brick at.

Instead of single as a marital status, it should read independently, owned and operated :)

All my life I thought air is free until I bought a bag of chips.

I don’t mind going to work but that 8 hour wait to go home really sucks.

Amazing moment when you find the EXACT answers to your homework on Google :)

A real man never stops showing his girl how much he loves her even after he has her.

10% of conflict is due to difference of opinion. 90% is due to the wrong tone of voice.

Nobody wants to hear this but sometimes the person you want most is the person you are best without.

Remember the time we used to get on the computer just for paint?

Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.

The secret to happiness is to do what you like. The secret to success is to like what you do.

People forgive you when lies are told and hate you when the truth is told.

Distance is one thing that keeps us apart but you will always remain in my heart.

It’s not being in love that makes me happy. It’s being in love with you that makes me happy.

Being with you is like having every single one of my wishes come true.

I don’t think much, I don’t think often but when I think, I think of you.

I never knew that I could feel that much. and that’s the way I love you.

Live your life for God and God will lead your life to a world full of love and true happiness.

It’s not a matter of finding the right person but its a matter of being the right person for the one you choose to love.

I don’t ask for much. Just promise you will stay by my side.

The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

Let’s go to bed. I’m tired of this day. I need a new one. Good Night

For all of you who gossip about me: Thanks for making me the center of your world.

Set your goals high enough to inspire you and low enough to encourage you.

Congratulations … You are the 100th person to view my status. To see your prize please click Control + W.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather is, always bring your own sunshine.

Try to say the letter M without your lips touching.

Sometimes its the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.

Life does not have a remote; get up and change it yourself.

You can’t see your next if you are too busy looking at your Ex.

Don’t find reasons to stay with someone who always finds a reason to leave.

A person who irritates you always is the one who loves you but fails to express that.

God always gives his best to those who leave the choice with him.

The possibilities are endless once we decide to act.

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.

Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

I need to stop worrying about the future and be thankful for what I have been blessed with so far.

A single moment of misunderstanding is so poisonous that it makes us forget the hundred lovable moments spent together within a minute.

I miss our long talks, your smile, your laugh, your smell, your kisses and your hugs. I wish I could have them back.

Sometimes the only thing that people see is what you did. When in fact, they should be looking at why you did it.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. This time more intelligently.

If you dont build your dreams, someone will hire you to build theirs.

Learn to live without your worries because GOD will take care of everything. Trust and have faith.

Time passes, memories fade, feelings change, people leave but hearts never forget.