The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.
Breakup is just like having the worst nightmare after the best dream.
Don’t be afraid to change. You may lose something good but you may gain something better.
Never force yourself to have a space in anyone’s life b’coz if they really know your worth, they’ll surely create one for you.
When you are going through something hard and wonder where GOD is, remember the teacher is always quiet during a test.
Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an exraordinary destiny.
ANGER is only one letter short of DANGER.
Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail b’coz they try to copy others, not realising that everyone has a different question paper.
The sweetest place is to be in someones thoughts and the safest place is to be in someones heart.
Sweetness is not sugar or honey but the kind of feeling that makes you call your lover sweetheart.
Far in distance, but near at heart, you’ll always be the angel of my heart.
My love for you is not like rain, which comes and goes away. But its like sky, moves with you all around.
Life is a journey with problems to solve, lessons to learn but most of all, experiences to enjoy.
We must forget our past where we failed, but lessons gained should be remembered for ever.
Never cry for that person who doesn’t know the value of your tears.
Don’t be afraid to show your feelings to the one that you like so much, express your feelings and maybe they will like you back.
Before going to sleep every night forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.
If you can’t stop thinking about it, never stop working for it.
If you want to succeed, your desire to keep trying must be greater than your desire to stay on the couch.
One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody every night before you go to bed.
The beauty of life doesn’t depend on how happy you are, but on how happy others can be because of you.
The ones who don’t do anything are always the ones who try to pull you down.
My love for you is like a mirror. You can break it into pieces but when you look closely, you’re still in it.
People will always tell you what you did wrong but hesitate to compliment you for what you did right.
Don’t condemn people b’coz they did wrong. Try to know the reason behind why they did it and try to understand them.
FRIENDS – They make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter and live a little better than before.
It’s mother who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.
No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you – LIFE!
Mothers are roses in the garden of life. Happy Mothers Day
No matter how many times we argue, how many times I don’t understand you, and how many times I get scolded by you, I still think that you are the best and will always be the greatest mom in the world.
Someday somewhere somehow me & you will be together.
Whether it’s a friendship or relationship, all bonds are built on trust. Without it, you have nothing.
Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher. Life is already filled with those who want to bring you down.
Never be fooled by what you see on the outside, b’coz on the inside it’s often a different story.
I may not be the best but I’m definitely not like the rest.
Smile and let everyone know that today you are lot stronger than you were yesterday.
Everything happens for a reason but sometimes the reason is that you are stupid and you make bad decisions.
We are not given good life or bad life. We are given a life. It’s up to us to make it good or bad.
Todays Relationships: You can touch each other but not each others phones.
No matter how many gorgeous faces you set your eyes upon, if you already set your heart for someone, you will hardly notice anyone.
Nothing will ever change the sky from blue, just as nothing will ever change my love for you.
I love you more than words can define, feelings can express and thought can imagine.
When I miss you, I don’t have to go far…I just have to look inside my heart b’coz that’s where I’ll find you.
In this world there is no perfect guy and there is no perfect girl. But only a less than perfect guy and a less than perfect girl can make a perfect love.
Disappointments are just God’s way of saying “I’ve got something better.” Be patient, live life, have faith.
Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction, break habit, talk about your joys.
Don’t treat people as bad as they are ….. treat them as good as you are.
Be Consistent. Do something every day to make your dreams closer to reality.
Life is unpredictable and you never know what is coming next. Don’t ever get too comfortable. Always be ready for change.
You may not end up where you thought you would be, but you always end up where you are meant to be.