• March 16, 2025


Do something instead of killing time, because time is killing you.

I just hate the way people just try to play with other people’s emotions.

The worst feeling is not being alone, it’s being treated like you are nothing.

The one you pushed away today may be the one you’re needing tomorrow.

I wish I could sleep as I used to, I wish I could dream as I used to. I am spending sleepless nights and lifeless days without you. Missing You.

Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Surround yourself with people who make you a better person.

Every mother on earth gave birth to a child except my mother. She gave birth to a legend.

Difficult doesn’t mean impossible. It simply means that you have to work hard.

It’s amazing how someone breaks you heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces.

I was only a time pass in your life but one day you will realise that the time that you passed with me was the most beautiful time you have ever spend.

Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.

It is during the worst times of your life that you will get to see the true colors of the people who say they care for you.

I’m waiting,hoping and wishing for the time when we can be together again. I miss you so much.

It’s not the mistake that matters; It’s how you deal with it, what you learn from it, and how you apply that lesson to your life.

I think that the only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that don’t change; when everybody else does.

We only have one life to live so we have to live it the best we can.

There’s difference between giving up & letting go. Letting go is sacrificing what was rightfull yours. And giving up is forgetting what was never yours.

A smile is the most beautiful curve on a womans body.

I trust you is better than I love you. why? Because you can’t always trust the one you love, but you can always love the one you trust.

That moment when you don’t know the answer in class but act as you know it.

Pretending to be busy writing when the teacher starts calling on random people.

I wish facebook would notify me when people delete me. That way I can “LIKE” it.

I’M gonna make the rest of my life, the best of my life.

Expecting is my favorite crime & disappointment is always my punishment.

I have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life, if I die next Tuesday.

Loving you is like breathing. How can I stop it? Good Night. See you in dreams world.

Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.

Sometimes it is easier to be with someone you can’t love, than to admit you love someone you can’t have.

To taste the sweetness of life, you must have the power to forget the past.

If yesterday did not end up the way you wanted, just remember God created today for you to start a new. God gives the best to those who leave the choice to him.

Loving someone is not a bad thing, as long as it is done within limits of dignity.

Truth is I miss you. All the time, every second, every minute, every hour, every day.

Don’t bother yourself crying for people who leave you. But start loving people who come in to your life to stay.

The short term pain of accepting a truth is much better than the long term pain of believing an illusion.

I let the phone ring instead of rejecting the call because I don’t want the person to know I’m ignoring them.

It’s terrible to lose someone we love. But it’s even worse to lose ourselves while loving them.

Relations are like electric currents. Wrong connection will give you shocks throughout your life but the right ones light up your life.

No matter how great you are, not everybody will like you. That’s life.

Lets learn to ignore selfish people just like the way we ignore Terms & conditions of any software.

Sometime it’s all about presentation. The sun does all the work, the moon only presents it in a better way.

Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in.

Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

This is my facebook wall. If you don’t like what I post. Unfriend me.

You need to have a bad day once in a while, otherwise, you’ll never know what a good day feels like.

That scary moment when you are about to go to bed and then you realize you had homework.

I really believe that if you set yourself to reach a goal, then one day, you are going to reach it.

Each drop of a tear is costly than anything in world.. But, no one knows its value until they have it in their own eyes for someone.

It takes 15 trees to produce the amount of paper that we use to write one exam. Join us in promoting the noble cause of saving trees. Say No To Exams.

I wish this Ramadan, you are gifted with blessings of Allah and many treasured moments of joy. Ramadan Mubarak