The new year will be like the old one if you keep on doing the same old things.
When someone else’s happiness is your happiness, that’s love.
Love is not a matter of what happens in life. Its what’s happening in your heart.
I don’t know why people are more interested in other people’s life than their own.
The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.
A smile does a good make up in a relationship, but a kiss does even better.
Its December and Couples are dating & Singles are waiting :)
I think I can die happy now, cause I’ve just seen a piece of Heaven.
That awesome moment when you buy new clothes and wear them in front of your friends for the first time.
Being single is not a big deal because sooner or later you will find your true love.
Sorry about those texts I sent you last night, my phone was drunk.
It hurts when someone you really trust lets you down.
One day I shall rule the World until then, I am going to bed. Good Night
Not everyone is meant to be in a long term thing. Maybe I should just give up.
Love you 2day + Love you 2morrow = Love you 4ever
There is always that person in life that you give several chances, it’s b’coz you love them more than you hate them.
Best wishes to you both on your anniversary, May the love that you share last your lifetime. Happy Wedding Anniversary
There are millions of ways to express love and as I learn them, you will feel more and more blessed. Good Morning.
Happy Birthday. Wishing you more glorious and wonderful years on the surface of the earth – or wherever you might be.
May your birthday be filled with many happy hours and your life with many happy birthdays. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Free yourself of everything that hurts you.
No matter how you treat people they will love you according to their mood & need.
Sometimes letting go of the person isn’t enough, sometimes you have to let go of your memories with them too.
Marriage is a workshop, where the husband works and the wife shops :)
You are forever in my heart, no matter the distance, or the time we are apart.
It takes a million people to complete the world, but it only takes one to complete mine.
Falling in love is only half of what I want. Staying in love with you till forever is the other.
Some people are so lucky that even after hurting they get so much love and some are so unlucky that even after giving so much love they always get hurt.
Wanting to end your life while you are alive is worst than death it self.
Don’t be afraid to give love more than you receive. Because love does not need to be equal or fair, it only needs to be true.
Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they are scattered everywhere.
Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.
Everyone wants to be someone’s everything.
It’s okay to walk out of someone’s life if you don’t feel like you belong in it anymore.
Don’t loose hope. You don’t know what tomorrow brings.
Did you ever notice, whenever you need your keys the most, that’s when they are the hardest to find.
Girls are like internet viruses they enter your life, scan your pocket, edit your mind, download their problems, delete your smile.
You are so fake that you should have two facebook accounts; one for each face.
My day could have been better if I had spent it with you.
No matter how far apart we are we will always be under the same sky.
I know its too much to ask for you to think of me as much as I think of you but I just hope that someday, somehow, you think of me too.
Telling a girl she’s hot is flattering but telling a girl she’s beautiful means so much more.
Its not that I’m afraid of falling in love, I am afraid of falling in love with the wrong person…again
Learn how to give your absence to those who don’t appreciate your presence, in the end you will make them realize how important your presence is.
Sometimes the person who made you stronger, is also your greatest weakness.
There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.
A pretty face is nothing if you have an ugly heart.
Confidence is the ability to feel beautiful, without needing someone to tell you.
My heart is not a playground, go play somewhere else.
Moving on doesn’t mean you forgot about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue living.