People who are ‘different’ are usually the ones who end up making a difference in the world.
You can fake your smiles and laughters, but you can never fake your feelings.
The world judges you by the decisions you make: never knowing the options you had to choose from.
A man is not rewarded for having a brain but for using it well.
Life is a teacher.. The more we live, the more we learn.
Sometimes some moments arrive in life: You go forward and you lose; you go backwards and you win.
I wish I was a teddy bear, that lay upon your bed, so everytime you cuddled it, you cuddled me instead.
Girl: Why are you following me? Boy: I was told to follow my dreams. You are my dream girl.
The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And the first to forget is the happiest.
Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late.
Everyone has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.
Instead of wishing you were someone else ,be proud of who you are. You never know who was looking at you wishing they were you.
I honestly hope each and every one of you have the best year ever in 2014.
You ignore all people who need you, because you are too busy noticing people you want.
Some people change their character just easy like changing their Sim Card.
Some people are in your friend list … not to be your friend but to spy on your life.
I wish this year has lesser disasters, lesser hate, lesser accidents and loads of love. Happy New Year.
Let’s kiss on New Year’s Eve 2013 as if we might have a future together in 2014.
Cheers to the new year. May it be a memorable one. Happy New Year.
It is time to forget the past and celebrate a new beginning. Happy New Year.
May the coming year bring more happiness to you than last year. May you have an amazing year. Happy New Year.
o one can go back in time to change what has happened. So work on your present to make yourself a wonderful future. Happy New Year.
You have to do what is right for you…. No one walks in your shoes.
To be in your childres’s memories tomorrow …….. You have to be in their lives today.
I love it when I hug someone and just when I’m about to let go, they hug me even tighter.
Those who know me never doubt me & those who doubt me never knew me.
Don’t waste your words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.
When the relation is new, People find excuses to meet you.. But, as it becomes old, People find excuses to avoid you.
What did 2013 teach YOU?
Nobody makes you angry, you decide to use anger as a response.
Don’t worry god is always on time, trust him.
Don’t sleep next to anything that you wouldn’t want to wake up next to. Raise your standards ladies.
Sometimes it’s better to forgive and forget, than to revenge and remember.
The best thing about moving forward is that, at every step you will find something new.
Everybody talk and everybody listen, but somehow it’s always the truth that comes up missing.
Most women cry from the outside to save themselves inside, while most men kill themselves by crying inside to save their outlook reputation.
The most powerful message is the one you cannot hear nor speak, but see and experience.
If a man is allowed to select a girl from 100 girls and even if he picks the most beautiful he still FEELS the PAIN of losing the remaining NINETY NINE and Women says… men don’t have feelings.
I will not stress myself out about things I can’t control or change.
Facebook needs to make ‘Tired of trying’ a relationship status.
The purpose of prayer is not to receive what you asked for, but to strengthen your relationship with God.
If someone hurts you, just keep your head up high and prove to them that you don’t need them to be happy.
You can never win an argument with a negative person. They only hear what suits them and listen only to respond.
I hate when ex’s say… “I am here if you need me.” like….? where were you? when we were together & I needed you?
It isn’t the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it.
We are in the last month of the year…. Just felt I should thank everyone who made me smile this year. You are one of them so here’s a big THANK YOU.
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
Real friends treat you like family.
Violence and arms can never resolve the problems of men.