• March 12, 2025


I’m getting old.. i got out of bed and had cheast pains… i looked down and realised i was standing on my nipples..

The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people, the more peaceful your life will become..

Rudness is a weak person’s imitation of strenght..

it’s funny how everybody considers honesty a virtue, yet no one wants to hear the turth.

You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel. Remember that..

I’m not rude, i’m honest. i just speak what’s on my mind, even if most van’t handle the truth.

“Being the best is the only market that is not cowded”

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires but in his integrity and his integrity and his ability to affect those aroind him positively…

Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt and dance like no one is watching”

A smile is a sign of joy… A hug is a sign of love….. A laugh is a sign of happiness and A “Good person like you” is a sign of God’s Blessing.

I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye..

Sometimes i’m not angry, i’m hurt and there’s a big difference..

One day, love and friendship met Love asked why you you exist when already exist?? Friendship smiled and said, “to put a smile where you leave tears..

I don’t regret my past i just regret the time i have wasted with the wrong people…

i never look back darling. It distracts from the now..

Percect love is the most beautiful of all furstrations because it is more than one can Express.

you should have two facebook accounts. One For Each Face.

you are the best thing that’s ever been mine.

The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, The less capable you are of loving in the present..

Anger is a deadly thing: it kills the one who angers, as each anger takes something from him.

Getting angry is actually punishing yourself with the mistakes of others.

Don’t hurt anyone. It only takes few seconds to hurt people you love, and it can take years to heal.

Advice for the day: Don’t burn your bridges if you don’t have a boat!

We Are Born To Die, so dont be afriad to DEATH.

Be thankful, you are blessed. Life is too short to be so stressed

Just because you know what I feel doesn’t mean you know how it feels…..

SMILE ……… It will uplift your personality and softened a hardened heart…

Sometimes we don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone and every once in a while we care lucky enough to get a second chance to show it…

The future belongs to those who give the next genration reason fo hope Have a Good Luck!!!

Look Outside its so pleasant!! Sun Smiling For you Trees Dancing For you Birds Singing for you Because i requested them all to wish you Eid Mubarak

Wishing you and Eid that brings with it the love and protection of Allah to stay… Always!! Eid Mubarak

My wish for you on this eid!!! May peace &joy embrace your life… And stay on this blessed day & always ! Ameen…!

I love you once, i love you still, always have and always will!!!

May the wings of the butterfly kiss teh sun. And find your shoulder to light on. To bring you luck, Happiness and riches. Today, tomorrow and beyond!!

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

One day you’ll meet someone who doesn’t care about your past because they want to be with you in your future.

Be yourself and let them like you for who your are

we don’t fall in love we grow in love

you have to be unique and different, and shine in your own way

Happy valentine’s day to the sweetest valentine i could want you are my sweetheart, and i am glad you’re mine.

How many times can you wash the floor before the floor says, “hey, i’m too clean. leave me alone..

By all means marry. i fyou get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosoper…

A jealous spouse does better research than FBI!!

My husband may not be perfect but he is perfect for me.

Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.

To be old and wise, you must first have to be yound and stupid..