• March 11, 2025


when it comes to making a big change in your life, you have to want it more than you fear it.

If you can’t stop thinking about someone’s update, that’s called “status cling.

The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased. It can only be accepted.

Love is feeling both happy and sad at the same time: happy to have found someone special, sad that forever seems too short to be together.

It’s funny when people say, “Some people can’t take a joke”, but yet they can’t take a joke themselves.

Dear heart, please stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood, that’s it.

Of course I talk to my own self, because sometimes I needs an expert advice.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Everything happens for a reason, the hard part is finding the reason.

All my life I thought air was free…… until I bought a bag of chips.

You will never know how good you’re until you start meeting with people. :’)

Ever wondered why need to pee intensifies when you are unlocking the door?

“There are a lot of people who that you may only nod to; it’s better to stop and say hello.”

I like the word Hello than Bye because Hello is about starting conversation and Bye is to end

Of Course I talk to myself, because sometimes I need Expert Advice.

No one is born with self confidence. Self confidence is learned And Earned With Experience.

“If homosexuality is a disease, let’s all call in queer to work: “Hello. Can’t work today, still queer”

Like the ocean I wave. Hello and goodbye are the same, when I talk with my hand.

Between hello and goodbye is I love you.

Never give up on something you really want. it’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.

Girls’ problem: They love the ones that hurt them. Boys’ problem: They hurt the ones they love.

Only time can heal your broken heart. Just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.

Every girl wants a boy to be good just for her; every boy wants a girl to be bad just for him.

There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.

If your heart was a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life.

There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t take them off you.

True Friend will stand up for you!

Flirting is a risky game. One mistake, and you are committed.

True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side.

Friends are connected heart to heart. Distance and time can’t break them apart.

I’m not flirting. I’m just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive.

Flirting is a woman’s trade, one must keep in practice.

There’s a lovely person between Y and I on your keyboard… Just look :)

I think you have to be cool to be a good flirt, and I don’t think I’m very cool.

Everybody knows how to love but few people knows how to stay in love with one person forever.

Find someone worth your tears, worth your laughter, worth your heart and that loves you as much as you love them.

A wise person is one who understands and respects others point of view as well.

Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it.

The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

The biggest thing we get out of it is seeing the kids smile. And hopefully we will also see that the lessons we’re teaching – not only the fundamentals of hockey, but also the life values – are sinking in.

I want my kids to have the things in life that I never had when I was growing up. Things like beards and chest hair.

Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it.

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.

Kiss me until I fall asleep.

Your kiss at night is the sweetest for sure it allows me to dream of a thousand more.

Never a lip is curved with pain that can’t be kissed into smile again.

Kissing is like real estate. The most important thing is location, location, location.