• March 12, 2025


The only disability in life is a poor attitude.

Life is a dream: live it. Life is a challenge: meet it. Life is a song: sing it. Life is a promise: fulfill it.

Surround yourself with people who reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel; energies are contagious!

Do not look where you fell _but where U slipped…!

Truthfully, being pregnant is changing me as a person. Each day is part of this amazing journey that has completely shifted the focus of my life and made me reevaluate my personal and professional goals.

No matter what happens today, tomorrow or a million tomorrows from now, I will always love you. This I promise you.

If I were to give up Sarcasm, that would leave interpretive dance as my only means of communication.

i love you, and will love you until i die and i there’s a life after that, i’ll love you then..

Your performance sets a benchmark, go set it once again. Good Luck!

There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family

I wish this engagement ceremony may tie the lives of both of you together with love.

You see in all my life I’ve never found what I couldn’t resist, what I couldn’t turn down. I could walk away from anyone I ever knew, but I can’t walk away from you.

its easy if you try…

I extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family. May the soul of your mother be at peace with our Heavenly Father.

Happy Independence Day to all the Pakistani brothers and sisters.

I heard you have an upcoming exam. Do your best and I hope you pass it Best luck on it!

It’s sad to be happy alone in Life..

May the Allah fill your life with joy and happiness and open all the Closed doors of success ,Happy Bakr Eid..

Wishing you and your family the happiest Easter of all.

On this great day I wish you very wonderful happy Diwali, and may god help you every time in your life..

Your looks don’t make u Beautiful, it’s the person inside who makes you beautiful.

i don’t need easy, i just need possible..

To make you smile without a reason is the only reason that makes you happy…

People value you at the value you see in yourself.

i’m not crazy i’m just special!!….No, wait….maybe i’m crazy. One second….i have to talk to myself about this, hold on…

If we only knew how many times our seemingly clever comment cut straight into the heart of the person with whom we have just spoken, it is we who would bleed.

You make the stars shine brighter and the winter days warmer just by being in my life. Merry Christmas to my favorite person in the world.

It hurts when a person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today!

One measure of leadership is the caliber of people who choose to follow you. Happy Boss Day!

I’m so glad you have born, because you have brightened my life and filled it with joy. Happy birthday…

Being positive in Life doesn’t mean that things won’t happen. It just means that you choose to not let the challenges affect your inner peace and that your happiness is worth the extra effort too look for the good and let go of what you cannot change.

The only day which reminds us what we are on the other 365 days is April Fool’s Day.. Hope you have a great one today

Me & You ! Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Forever ! Happy Anniversary

I Hope Karma Slaps You In The Face Before I Do.

I Love My Sixpack So Much, I Protect It With A Layer Of Fat.

To be old and wise , you must have first have to young and stupid.

Terrorism strikes no fear in my heart. I’ve been married for years..

Hey there whatsapp is using me.

A special smile, A special face. A special someone i cant replace. I love U, I always will. U have filled a space no one can fill!!

Whenever i have a problem, I just sing, Then i realize my voice is worse than my problem.

You are a very special blessing to us. May love, joy and happiness be yours in abundance this holiday season.

Education is not to reform students or amuse them or to make them expert technicians. It is to unsettle their minds, widen their horizons, inflame their intellects, teach them to think straight, if possible.

Every day I get this feeling that there is something missing in my life, and every time I remember you, I know you are it.

Facebook should have a limit on how many times a relationship status can be change … after 3 times it should be change default to UNSTABLE! lol 🙂

I fight with you, I shout at you, I hurt you a lot. But I simply can’t live without you. I am sorry.

A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves – a special kind of double

Lets learn to ignore selfish people just like the way we ignore ‘Terms and Conditions’ of any software.

Sometimes, crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can’t explain how broken your heart is

Usually, people think that I’m a strong, happy person..but behind my smiles they just don’t know how much I’m in pain and almost broken..

Wow! You have a huge pimple in between your shoulders! Oh wait that’s your face.